Discovery Group Questions 探索小組問題
ASK one another these questions: 互相詢問以下問題:
- What are you thankful for你在感激什麼?
- What’s a challenge you’re facing您面臨的挑戰是什麼?
- Do you have or know of a need this group can help with您是否有這個小組可以幫助您解決問題的信息?
- How did you do with last week’s ‘I will’ statement您如何處理上週的“我會”聲明?
Pray for one another. Thank God for the good stuff and ask his help with the hard stuff.互相祈禱。感謝上帝提供的好東西,並要求他提供幫助。
BIBLE reading. 聖經閱讀。
- Read the passage out loud as a group – 2 or 3 people to read. Ideally have each person use a different translation.大聲朗讀文章-2至3人閱讀。理想情況下,讓每個人使用不同的聖經翻譯版本。
- Have someone put it in their own words 選擇讓一個人用自己的話來總結。
- Observe觀察
- What stands out to you? 有什麼讓你覺得特別的?
- What does this text say about Jesus or God? 這段經文關於耶穌或上帝說了什麼?
- What does it say about people, individually or collectively? 它對人的個人或群體有何看法?
- Is there an example to follow or a command to obey? 是否有要效法的榜樣或要遵守的命令?
COMMIT to a course of action. 採取行動。
- ACTION – How can you specifically live out this passage in the next few days? (Everyone creates an ‘I will’ statement) 行動-您如何在接下來的幾天中特別活用這段經文? (每個人都會創建一個“我願意”聲明)
- PERSON – Who are you going to tell about what you discovered this week? 人-您打算告訴誰您本週發現了什麼?
Pray for one another, asking that God will help each person do what they have said they want to do.互相代禱,求上帝幫助每個人做他們想做的事情。
Additional Tips 其他提示
- Ask Questions, don’t teach 只是問問題,不需要教導
- Don’t just read the passage, immediately apply it by creating I Will Statements. Obedience to God is the goal 不只是閱讀經文,而是通過上述“我願意”的聲明立即應用它。順服上帝是目標
- Try to stay in the passage 盡量嘗試停留在此處經文中
- Share leadership–after a couple of weeks, let others facilitate 輪流分享帶領小組,讓其他人參與
- Could current members lead a group of their own? 當前成員可否再帶領一個新的小組?